Happy Hogmanay – End of year message from 2020 National President, Steven Crawford
Great news everyone! We have got to the end of 2020 at long last. This is a year that will never be forgotten for all the wrong reasons. We have all been through so much together, but we did it. At this time of year, many like to look back and reflect on the lessons we learned. If we haven’t learnt anything from this year, I would be very surprised!
It has been a difficult year for us all; we have all had to make changes and sacrifices to get here. I am forever thankful for all those within JCI Scotland who have strived to make 2020 a year we will never forget. And while all the big plans that we started the year with never happened in the way we had hoped, it has still been a very successful 2020 for JCI Scotland. Here are some of the highlights:
And there have been many more successes at a local level as well, with great training events held all throughout the year, with events held online so all members of Scotland and beyond could attend.
So, what have those lessons been? For me, it was a message that was sweeping the UK, way back in January in the aftermath of a very public death, and sadly I feel this message was lost too quickly.
Be kind.
In everything that we have gone through this year, by being kind it allows us to accept that everyone deals with a life changing situation, like a global pandemic, very differently. Some throw themselves into their work, professionally and JCI. Some retract away. Some feel hopeless. Maybe all of this at different points of the year. And all of that is ok. There is no right or wrong way of how someone deals with this, but we should all strive to be kind with each other, and remember that we are all trying to do our best in an unprecidented situation.
Thank you to everyone who has put in so much time, effort and work in to 2020, it has paid off. Thank you to all the members, senators, and past members who have supported events, and given their time to help.
Now that it is done, we still have lots of hard work to do in 2021. There are lots of exciting plans in place already, and I hope you can all get behind and support them.
Here is to putting behind us the events of 2020, and looking forward with hope to a fantastic 2021.
Happy new year!